Wednesday, June 15, 2016

An Unchanging Lens

As I write this post, I struggle with the challenge of communicating my thoughts on some subjects that are already saturated with ideas and comments from millions of people around the world.

You would think that after all this input, a general consensus would have been reached on a lot of these topics. However, time seems to show that division rather than unity is more often the result...even within the CHURCH!

Think of these hot topics right now for instance:

  • Hillary, Trump, or neither...

  • Gun control...

  • Islamic Terrorism...

  • Gay Rights...

  • The Church's role in society....

And then you have the most recent event in Orlando that somehow managed to lump ALL of these topics into one observable scenario.

Which leads to the question: How are we as Christians supposed to respond?

I've read a lot of opinions by people that offer various answers. These include cliches that are easily stated, but are often less easy to apply consistently. 

For example:

  • "Jesus loved people, so we as Christians should be known by our love during this time in our nation's history"
  • "This is a perfect opportunity for the Church to come alongside others by loving on them and helping them in their time of need"

Ok that's true, but what does that mean? Is simply "loving on people" the only response we as Christians have to offer a grieving and shocked world? How is that principle to be applied?